Friday, November 13, 2009

Cinnamon and Diabetes

So just sitting around at my favorite hang out, Birdies Roadhouse, having a normal debate about life, weather and politics the topic came up that my friends husband has been taking Cinnamon capsules to help with his blood sugar.

I was amazed and of course me being the perpetual doubter I immediately went home and googled it.

The cinnamon and diabetes connection is – cinnamon use for diabetes improves insulin and glucose metabolism and reverses insulin resistance!  

Note: I am not promoting the product on the link listed above, just the literature. (I have never taken those pills and cannot recommend one way or the other)

Normally I link literature directly from my blog, but in this case there were soo many great places to go, I figured you might want to just google it and see for yourself.

Be Well 

Sasha Hartzog